Safe Cracker - The Locked Safe And Vault Opening Service
Talk To A Professional Safe Cracker / Safe Engineer
Call, Text or WhatsApp Dave On:
07850 046641
One of the UK's only full time professional safecrackers
Safe Crackers Near Me, Get A Quote To Open Your Safe or Gun Cabinet Now:
To give an accurate quote to open your safe, I just need to know these simple things:
- The make, model and/or grade of your safe.
- Why it is not opening (lost keys or unknown combination etc.) and finally
- The post code where your safe is.
- If you do not know the make, model or grade, don't worry, just email, text or WhatsApp me a picture, like the example below. It shows the whole of the front of the safe and I will identify it for you. I may also call you to ask some clarifying questions regarding position and access.
- Sending me a photo of the serial number that you have found on the safe is pretty much of no use what so ever, so just step back, zoom out and send me a photo of the whole of the front of it. Simples!

Open Only, or Back Working?:
A lot of safes that I open are classed as 'open only' they are opened solely to recover the contents or to verify that they are empty before being disposed of. If you require the safe to be reinstated please let me know. A lot of the time this will not affect the price, but if a new lock or keys are required, I will confirm the price with you before attending.
Safecrackers Fixed Price Opening Guarantee
Once I give it, my price is fixed. That means that the price I give you will not change no matter how long the safe takes me to open it. My job is to open your safe in the most professional way possible, I have sat and picked open safes in a longer time than it would have taken me to drill them, but my openings are based on professionalism not time. If someone offers you an 'hourly' rate you can be sure that they will sit there and 'rattle' the door for a few hours to rip you off and increase their bill.
If a safe engineer can not give you an exact price to open your safe, it pretty much means they haven't got a clue how to open it!
Things That Do Not Effect The Opening Price
I have been doing this job for years and below is a list of the things that will not effect the price to open or re-instate your safe, no matter how many times you repeat it:
- Repeatedly telling me that you think it is empty
- Telling me it is just a low grade safe and I will have it open in seconds
- Telling me a locksmith has offered a cheaper price (good luck with that one!)
- Telling me you have seen a youtube video and can open it yourself (crack on then, you don't need me)
- That you have just found it and will give me 5 to 50% of its contents. (Even 100% of nothing is nothing)
- You are a local charity and can not afford the opening price. (being fair this one often works!)
- Telling me that you are an international charity and can not afford the opening price but your CEO earns over £250,000 pa, Yes I have had this!
- That you have an angle grinder and can cut it in half yourself (this is another one that I will wish you luck with)
- Telling me that if I am too expensive you will just cut the hinges. Good luck with that buttercup! That hasn't worked for over 200 years. Try Googling 'Dog Bolt'
- This is a common one I recieve. After I have given a quote, repeatedly emailing me with totally irrelevant information about the safe hoping I will drop the price.
- Telling me your life story and how bad the world has treated you. My job is to open safes, not be a councillor. If life is that bad ring the Samaritans not a safe cracker.
- Asking for my best price, I don't have a best price, I just have a price!
- I have no doubt this list will carry on growing!
Booking Conditions
I book jobs on a first come first served basis. I only confirm bookings when the work required, price, date and time have been agreed and that I have been supplied with the full postal address. I will not drive to a postcode area and then call a number or wait at a location for a call to give me the final address! Yes I do have numb nuts that try and ask this!
If you have lost your keys or forgotten your code, DO NOT BOOK ME until you have absolutely 100% given up looking for the keys or trying codes. I have had it where I have been driving for an hour to the job, when I get a call saying, "it's OK, we have had one last look and found the keys you don't need to come now" It is great that you have found the keys, but I think everyone would agree that as I have committed my time and mileage to the job it is only correct that I get paid.
I also reserve the right to walk away from any job if I am not 100% satisfied that you have lawful access to it.
Payment Conditions
Please note that I only take payment on the day. I accept payment by cash or credit/debit card via a chip and pin terminal and can also accept credit card payments over the telephone. Receipts are give for all work carried out.
If you tell me that you can only pay me in 30 days, that is not a problem, just book the job today and I will turn up in 30 days to open your safe and then you can pay me on the day! I am self employed and I do not have the time to chase late or non payers.
With the NHS and certain schools who can not pay on the day I do have previous experience and can tell you how payment can be made on the day.
Gun Cabinets
When customers contact me for a quote to open a single or double locked gun cabinet, I always give them the same speech. Yes, I know your gun cabinet is formed of a single piece of steel, cut, folded and electronically welded in a factory in China and costs around £3.50 to produce. But then they stick either 1 or 2 safe quality 7, 8 or 9 lever safe locks on them and my price is to open the lock so it is safe opening prices that I charge.
Identifying Your Safe
Below is an example of how I identify safes. It is a photograph of the under side of the top hinge of a Dudley Europa safe. Three dimples shows that it is a grade 3 safe. This is one of the many examples of how I can identify your safe.

Warning - But A Locksmith Has Offered Me A Cheaper Price!!
If you just want cheap, then my best advice is that you accept it, but keep this number, 07850 046641 handy! A real example of what is likely to happen is shown below. The owner accepted the cheapest quote and two locksmiths spent a total of 5 hours over two days trying to use a core drill to open this Hamber under floor safe. After giving up they still tried to charge him £150 for the drill bits they had used! As you can see the safe was left unopened and unrepairable. If you want to see how I open Hamber under floor safes without any damage to the safe, Click Here

Remember safes have additional security features built in to them to deadlock the safe should an unsophisticated attempt be made to open it. A specialist safe engineer knows how to deal with and defeat these features.

To contact us by post please write to:
Safe Cracker Ltd
16 Thele Avenue
Stanstead Abbotts
SG12 8JB
m. 07850 046641
Safe Cracker Ltd hold public liability insurance with Axa up to £5,000,000
*Please note, that all credit card payments are subject to a 4% handling fee.
Chip and pin credit card payments can be made on site