Safe Engineer Technician
Safe Cracker - The Locked Safe And Vault Opening Service

Talk To A Professional Safe Cracker / Safe Engineer

Call, Text or WhatsApp Dave On:
07850 046641


One of the UK's only full time professional safecrackers


Why call a Safe Engineer or Professional SafeCracker?
Because safes are designed to be exactly that, safe!

Since Tann established the first firm of safe makers in 1795 every year since has seen the development, testing and designing of new ideas to make it impossible to open a safe without the correct key or combination. Making what we have today as the modern safe. Some of the features in today's security safes have been in use for the past 150 years and the reason for this is simple, they work!

Since then all of these 100's of safe manufacturing companies and 1,000's of safe and lock designers have so far come up with a safe that has defeated me ZERO times!

Many locksmiths will advertise on their web site that they provide a safe opening service and even include a photo of a safe dial they have downloaded from the internet to convince you to call them, but many will sub the job out to a specialist safe engineer and and at the same time add their bit on top of the price.

But some locksmiths will attend and 'have a go'. Always make sure you verify that the person you call to open your safe is a genuine safe engineer and preferably a member of a recognised safe technicians association like S.A.V.T.A

To open your safe you may be tempted to phone a company advertising as a Master Locksmith Association Safe Engineer. Before you do, telephone the Master Locksmith Association and request them to send you a copy of the required skills that one has to have to pass their exam and use this very impressive title.

As incredible as it seems, no part of their tests actually involves 'cracking' a safe of any kind or grade, the very skill that you are currently looking for!! Even with their test requirement to open a combination lock, a task many thousands of people complete each day, the MLA allows their students to take in their instruction manuals!

The point I am trying to make here, is don't be fooled by the advertising and impressive names or logo's. Speak to the engineer, make sure you are happy that he knows what he is talking about. If in doubt hang-up or it could turn in to a costly mistake. Many times people actually say that I was the only one they spoke to that sounded like I could open the safe.

The typical safe man or Peter Man's* kit includes, lock picks, scopes, lock decoders, make-up keys, drill rigs, specialist drill bits, light sources, combination lock manipulation tools, the list goes on and and can quite easily top £30K. This also does not include the most important thing, knowledge.

Most safes have additional security features built in to them like re-lockers, which can be live and act each time the safe lock is used or dead and will only activate if a locksmith attempts to open the safe without the required knowledge or skill.

If a safes re-locker is activated you will not be able to open the safe even with the correct key, code or combination. Thus turning what could have been a simple job for a Safe Engineer in to a much longer and more costly one. There is only one person who will stand that cost, YOU!

No matter what your safe opening problem is, for piece of mind, always call a Safe Engineer. Even if you are out of our area telephone safecracker and we can put you in contact with a genuine safe engineer who can attend your safe.


The image below gives only some examples of what
has to be over come to open a safe.

AED relockers

*Peter man is a cockney expression for a safecracker, In the old days a small area like a prison cell or a safe was called a Can. The cockney for a can is a 'Peter Pan' which was then shortened to a Peter! Hence a 'Peter man'

Contact SafeCracker 

Brattonsound Safes - Brockmoor Safes - Burton Safes - Chubb Back Box Safes - Chatwood Milner Safes - Chubb Safes - Chubb Manifoil Locks - Chubb Miner Range Safes - Churchill Safes - Comsafes - Cox Safes - Dudley Safes - Fichet Bauche Safes - GB Security Safes - Guardian Safes - Gun Safes - Hamber Safes - Hotel Safes - LaGard Safes - Leabank Safes - Leigh Safes - Lockmaster Safes - Manifoil Locks - Milner Safes - Old Safes - Phoenix Safes - Polifer Safes - Radway Safes - Ratner Safes - Rosengrens Safes - Royal Safes - Secureline Safes - Sentry Safes - Sercus Juwell Safes - SMP Safes - Stratford Safes - Tann Safes - Underfloor Safes - Wall Safes - Wertheim Safes
