Safe Engineer Technician
Safe Cracker - The Locked Safe And Vault Opening Service

Talk To A Professional Safe Cracker / Safe Engineer

Call, Text or WhatsApp Dave On:
07850 046641


One of the UK's only full time professional safecrackers


James Dix Safe Opening
James Dix safes were one of the many safe manufacturers based in the UK. Sadley the company James Dix Safes stopped making safes a long while ago, but testament to their quality, there are still many working James Dix safes in use today. If you need a James Dix Safe opening call safecracker.

James Dix Brass Safe Plate

James Dix Safe Opening - Lost Keys
When the owner of this James Dix safe lost the key to it he called safecracker. We attended and opened his james Dix Safe for him. We then hand cut new keys for the fitted lock and put it back in to full service. If you need a james Dix safe or any other safe opened in the Tottenham area call safecracker.

James Dix Safe Opening


Brattonsound Safes - Brockmoor Safes - Burton Safes - Chubb Back Box Safes - Chatwood Milner Safes - Chubb Safes - Chubb Manifoil Locks - Chubb Miner Range Safes - Churchill Safes - Comsafes - Cox Safes - Dudley Safes - Fichet Bauche Safes - GB Security Safes - Guardian Safes - Gun Safes - Hamber Safes - Hotel Safes - LaGard Safes - Leabank Safes - Leigh Safes - Lockmaster Safes - Manifoil Locks - Milner Safes - Old Safes - Phoenix Safes - Polifer Safes - Radway Safes - Ratner Safes - Rosengrens Safes - Royal Safes - Secureline Safes - Sentry Safes - Sercus Juwell Safes - SMP Safes - Stratford Safes - Tann Safes - Underfloor Safes - Wall Safes - Wertheim Safes


Safe Opening Service