One of the UK's only full time professional safecrackers
Safecracker - Helpful Video Page Safe Cracker or Safecracker is a professional safecracking and safe opening service. But what may surprise you is how many safes I open for free over the phone. This page has videos that I have made to help you open your safe.
Securikey Safeguard Pickd Open And New Keys Made When the owners of this Securikey Safeguard under floor safe lost their keys, they telephoned Safe Cracker. I attended and picked open the lock with no damage to the lock or safe. I then changed the levers around in the lock to a new combination and cut and filed a new key by hand. Once I fine tuned this key to have a nice smooth action I cut a copy of it on a key machine. If you have a safe with lost keys, call safe cracker.
Failed Lagard Electronic Lock Demonstrated In A Vice This video shows when a Lagard electronic lock has failed and the motor has disconnected from the blocking bolt. You can here the motor spinning, the video ends with a working lock and how it should sound.
How To Dial Open A 3 Wheel Combination Lock This video shows how to correctly dial open a standard 3 wheel combination safe lock you may even see a name on the dial like S and G or Lagard.
Opening A Phoenix Safe Electronic Lock A short video showing how to open a Phoenix electronic safe lock, this lock is fitted to many of the Phoenix Safe range. It also has a master code that can be supplied from Phoenix on proof of ownership. If you are unable to provide proof of ownership, Phoenix will provide the master code to safe engineers who have an account with them and who have verified the ownership of the unit. To reset a new code, press the button on the rear of the lock and then enter you new code followed by the # button. Check the new code 3 times before shutting the door.
Opening A Fichet Combination Lock A short video showing how to open a Fichet combination lock. This works by setting the outer dial to one of the numbers and then using the inner dial to count the correct number of clicks.
Opening A Chubb Manifoil Lock
The Manifoil was the government standard lock and is still in use today. The lock is actually a 3 wheel combination lock, but has a fourth anti manipulation wheel on it.
How To Dial Open A 3 Wheel Sentry Combination Lock This video shows how to correctly dial open a 3 wheel direct entry combination safe lock on a Sentry safe.
How To Dial Open A Chubb 4 Wheel Castelle or Coffer Opening The Chubb Castelle or TDR Coffer. This lock is a brass 4 wheel combination lock, but because it is fitted in reverse to normal combination locks, it needs to be dialled in the opposite directions to open it. When the safe is fitted by itself, it is known as a Chubb Castelle with a 17.5 cash rating. But you will also see them fitted as coffers in the large Chubb TDR safes.
The Lagard Whizz Of Death - Failed Combination Lock This video shows what we as safe engineers term the Whizz Of Death. This is on a Lagard lock. If you have it then you will need to call a safe engineer to open it
Chubb Safe - Failed Bolt Work This video shows when a bolt has broken off and twisted in the safe. Effectively locking the safe shut. This can be as a result of the door being slammed while the bolts are still extended.